Meet the Artist

Welcome to my henna world, where artistry meets tradition! I am a passionate henna artist with the experience of holding my vibrant henna stall for the past nine months. Based in the enchanting coastal town of Airlie Beach, I have had the pleasure of attending numerous family events in the local Whitsunday area, including the renowned Wintermoon Festival. 

With each stroke, I strive to create intricate and captivating henna designs that embody the essence of beauty and celebration. Continuously fueling my creativity, I am committed to learning and honing my skills, embracing new techniques and designs to provide you with an unforgettable henna experience. Let's adorn your world with the magic of henna!


  • We use only high-quality, natural henna for safe and long-lasting results.
  • Henna has been used for thousands of years for various celebrations such as weddings, religious events, and other festivals.

© 2023 Henna Magic Studio, Airlie Beach, QLD 4802
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